Can I ever stop counting calories?

If you’ve been diligently logging every meal and snack into a calorie-tracking app, you might be wondering if there’s a way to live without the numbers. Enter intuitive eating—a relaxed approach to eating that could let you ditch the calorie counter for good while still maintaining your health goals.
Understanding Intuitive Eating
Intuitive eating is all about getting back in touch with your body’s natural hunger cues and learning to enjoy food without guilt or strict rules. It means listening to your body’s needs and cravings, and focusing on nourishment and satisfaction.
Transition Tips: From Calorie Counting to Intuitive Eating
Switching to intuitive eating can feel like a big leap, but with a few simple steps, you might find it’s a more rewarding approach:
Start with Small Steps: Begin by slowly reducing the frequency with which you log your meals. Maybe start with weekends off from tracking and pay attention to how you feel.
Mindful Eating Practices: Focus on eating slowly, savoring each bite, and staying present during meals. This helps you recognize your body’s signals of hunger and fullness.
Tune Into Hunger Cues: Gross, stomach-growling hunger is an obvious cue, but also pay attention to how different foods make you feel—energized, sluggish, satisfied, or still craving more.
Challenge Food Myths: Let go of any ‘good’ and ‘bad’ food labels. Instead, look for balance and variety. Intuitive eating teaches that chocolate cake isn’t bad; too much of it just might not make you feel great later.
Positive Relationship with Food: Focus on the enjoyment of food without the guilt. Celebrate the fact that it’s okay to enjoy that slice of pizza or bowl of ice cream now and then.
Reflect: Take note of your eating patterns and emotions. Ask yourself if you’re eating out of boredom, stress, or genuine hunger. Knowing your triggers can help you make more conscious choices.
When to Consider Deleting Calorie Tracking Apps
Consider deleting the app when:
You Feel Confident with Your Knowledge: You know enough about portion sizes and nutrition to maintain your goals without constant tracking.
Eating Feels Balanced: You’re naturally including a variety of foods and eating becomes about enjoyment and nourishment rather than just numbers.
Your Relationship with Food is Stress-Free: There’s no anxiety around choosing meals, and indulgences don’t lead to guilt.
Find What Works for You
Everyone’s journey is different. Some people may find they prefer sticking with calorie counting periodically as a check-in, while others might thrive with full-time intuitive eating. The best path is the one that makes you feel great and supports your health goals.
The EatWell app is your partner for understanding your nutrition and calorie needs, helping you build healthy habits. It’s designed to be used until you’re ready to confidently move on and eventually say goodbye to tracking. Download EatWell app from the AppStore and see how it can support your journey.
Final Thoughts
Intuitive eating can be a liberating experience, allowing you to enjoy food while respecting your body’s needs. Whether you decide to stop counting calories altogether or use it more flexibly, what matters is nurturing a positive and balanced relationship with food. Trust the process, and trust yourself.